Tour DuLuth Ski Festival
Tour DuLuth Ski Festival | Saturday & Sunday, March 1st & 2nd
Get ready for DXC's year-end celebration with all-day/all-evening ski events around town!

Saturday, March 1
8:00 a.m. | Coffee and Donuts @ Lester Amity Chalet
10 a.m. | Nordic Spirit Ski Race - Race 1 of the Twin Ports Championship
Spirit Mountain Nordic Center
A 17 km Skate race. This year we will ski up the new connector to the Upper Spirit Trails around and back down! All racers receive a Nordic Spirit race hat!
12:30 p.m. | Freestyle Mass Start | CXC Youth Championships - Day 1
SkiX Course open following the race. More information here.
Waffles | Location to be determined
5 to 7:30 p.m. | Annual Banquet
Come on out for fun and fellowship as we celebrate the last year (or two) and look forward!
Sunday, March 2
11 a.m. | Erik Judeen Ski Race - Race 2 of the Twin Ports Championship
Korkki Nordic Ski Center.
Come on out to Korkki on Sunday! Join in the fun and take part in history! Korkki Nordic has been hosting the Erik Judeen 10k Classic Ski since 1963. After 60 years, the race is still going strong! As always, there is fun for the whole family, and spectators are also welcome! Details and registration at the Korkki Events web page.
10 a.m. | Classical Individual Race | CXC Youth Championships - Day 2
Spirit Mountain Nordic Center
11 a.m. | Minnesota Biathlon Race | Snowflake Nordic Center
MN Cup #9
All Weekend
Ski Duluth's Trail System
The more the merrier and capture photos at as many Duluth trails as possible, or just share a photo of your favorite trail of the day. Tag Duluth Cross Country Ski Club on social media! Share your weekend of fun!: #DXCPassport #TourDuLuth2025 #DXC
Club Kilo Challenge
Count your kilometers and share your numbers! Join DXC Club on Strava for kilos to be accounted for AND/OR email the trails and your kilometer count to:
Bag the Lookouts
Visit 5 of Duluth's iconic ski summits! (Bardon Peak (Magney), Piedmont Overlook, Chester Peak, Bagley’s Rock Hill, River Overlook (Lester)) Take a selfie and post it on social media with #TourDuLuth2023 !
50k in a Day Challenge
For you overachievers, go get "5 miles!" Your reward will be getting your name on a plaque and a DXC hat or shirt!
For skiers at Spirit Mountain Nordic Center
Daily passes can be purchased online for $10 per day: Purchase Day Pass